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Skills Matter: F# Intro Talk Material - Slides & Code Samples

Thanks to everyone who made it down to Skills Matter on Tuesday for Scott Cowan's Lucene.Net talk and my F# Introduction talk. There was a great turnout, with more chairs needing to be brought in, plus some excellent questions, and also a good group for the pub after. My slides are attached to this post and a video/podcast should be available soon here: 

I have also put the code samples from my F# Intro talk up on the F# Wiki:

  • fsweet sample WFP Twitter client script (<200 lines)
  • Mastermind sample WPF mini-game (<300 lines)

Below a screen shot of the fsweet script, showing a Twitter friends timeline, used to make a live Twitter update during the talk. 

screenshot of fsweet F# Twitter client

FSharpIntroduction.pptx (376.59 kb)

fsweet.fsx (8.58 kb)

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