Phillip Trelford's Array

POKE 36879,255

Finding least common multiples by prime factorization

Least Common Multiple on Wikipedia.

How well can the prime factorization method be expressed in F#? This is my first solution and just for fun:

open System
/// Generate sequence of all integer primes
let primes =
    let isPrime x =
        let rec test = function
            | 1 -> true
            | n -> if x % n = 0 then false else test (n-1)
        test (x/2)
    seq {        
        yield! [1;2;3;5;7]
        for n in 11..2..Int32.MaxValue do
            if isPrime n then yield n

/// Compute prime factors
/// <returns>
/// Sequence of prime number powers (x^y) as tuple of (x,y)
/// </returns>
let primefactors x =
    /// Compute prime factor
    let primefactor x =
        |> Seq.skip 1
        |> Seq.takeWhile (fun prime -> prime <= x)
        |> Seq.tryFind (fun prime -> (x % prime) = 0)
    /// Compute list of prime factors 
    let rec fold acc x =
        match primefactor x with
        | Some factor -> fold (factor::acc) (x/factor)
        | None -> acc
    fold [] x
    |> Seq.countBy (fun x -> x)
/// Compute lowest common multiple    
let lcm xs =       
    xs                              // {8;9;21}
    |> primefactors         // {{2^3};{3^2};{3^1;7^1}}
    |> Seq.concat                   // {2^3;3^2;3^1;7^1}
    |> Seq.groupBy (fun (x,y) -> x) // {{2;{2^3}};{3;{3^1;3^2}};{7;{7^1}}}
    |> (fun (x,xys) ->       
        x,                          // 3
            xys                     // {3^1;3^2}
            |> snd          // {1;2}
            |> Seq.max              // 2
    )                               // {2^3;3^2;7^1}
    |> (fun (x,y) ->
        pown x y                    // {8;9;7}
    |> Seq.reduce (*)               // 504

do  lcm [8;9;21] |> printf "%d"     // yields 504
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